Rodovia MG 060, Km 01
Papagaios, Minas Gerais
CEP 35669-000, Brasil
Located in a privileged geo-economic position, ALTIVO PEDRAS is situated in the main area of extraction and processing of slate of Minas Gerais, located in the municipalities of Papagaios, Pompeu, Leandro Ferreira, Martinho Campos, Paraopeba, Caetanópolis, Curvelo and Felixlândia.
Parrots bears the title of ' World Capital of Slate ' . The city is located 153 km from the capital of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte . Its main access roads to the capital are: BR -262 , BR -431 , BR -381 and MG- 060 . To reach the city : BR -262 and MG- 060 . Parrots belongs to the São Francisco River basin. Its main rivers are Black River and Rio Paraopeba .